I don't know who I am.
Je ne sais pas qui je suis.
Je fait la musique et j'ai la groupe.
C'est reggae alternative music. Il'y a peu de rock,de punk...
Like in US you have the same thing. It's only like,i don't know,more then like two hundred milion people over there. So it's different situation,but the most the people over there,listen to country music. Unfortunately,like,the best organised music here,is the one I really don't like. When the most popular singers sing,have like 60 to 100 hundred thousand people in a concert,and for example for my band,the most we had is like 2 thousand people in a concert. So these are like numbers you that can't even compare. You know,when you do music that we do,you can't make too much money,or anything,but you know that.
If I wanted to only to make money of music,then I would have to do something I don't like,and I would never do that. I would rather do something else.
But,if you do the music because of higher things then money,or to get rich,then,it's okay.
You can be free to express what you have.
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